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月の顔 Tsuki-no-kao (Face of the Moon) [1988]

Taro Okamoto (Tokyo)

Born in 1911 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Okamoto is one of representative sculptors in Japan, especially noted for his work "Taiyo-no-to (Sun Tower)" presented at the Expo'70 in Osaka. He is known to have continued his work with much enthusiasm until his death.

レインマウンテン Rain Mountain [1992]

Isamu Noguchi(U.S.A.)

Born in 1904 in Los Angeles, Noguchi is an internationally famous sculptor noted for his works of highly social nature, which have won great admiration worldwide. Until he died in 1988, he produced many great works now existing in various places throughout the world, among which is the one displayed in this park.

トラバース Traverse [1988]

Kyubei Kiyomizu (Kyoto Prefecture)

Born in 1922 in Aichi Prefecture, Kiyomizu graduated from Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music and thereafter pursued his study in Italy. He received awards from various exhibitions including the 13th Antwerp International Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition. 1988, he presented his work at the Seoul Olympic Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition.

こんにちは Kon-nichiwa (Hello) [1992]

Mitsuo Oya (Echizen Town)

Resident in Echizen Town, Ohya opened his own "Furai" kiln in the town when it established what is called a pottery village in it, including this pottery park, to revitalize Echizen ware. He has since produced works featuring the characteristics of the "Old Echizen" style - earthiness and natural glazing. He received awards from Fukui Prefecture and Miyazaki Village for his excellent works.

野に立つモニュメント No-ni-tatsu monument (Standing in the Fields) [1992]

Mitsuo Kasatsuji (Echizen Town)

Born in 1947 in Echizen Town, Kasatsuji is a representative potter in Fukui Prefecture. In 1992, his work "Tatakimon Utsuwa" presented at the 30th Japan Contemporary Crafts and Arts Exhibition was selected for presentation at "Tradition and Avant-garde - Present-day Japanese Crafts" organized by Frankfurt Museum of Crafts.

天に向かう Ten-ni-mukau (Toward Heaven) [1991]

Kosuke Kanashige (Okayama Prefecture)

Born in 1943 in Okayama prefecture to a reputable family of "Bizen (present-day Okayama Prefecture) yaki" ware, Kanashige graduated from the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music and has developed his artistic activities by producing works of formative art using clay as their material, taking the lead in creating a new stream in the tradition of "Bizen" ware. He received an award from the Japan Ceramics Society in 1994.